Using Organic Social Media to Hit 7-Figures Her First Calendar Year


We continue our interview series with successful attorney-marketers where we uncover
what's working, what's not, and how you can get on a similar path to growth.
Brittany launched her homeowner’s insurance-focused firm in October 2020 … in the middle of the pandemic. 

In 2021, her firm’s first full year, revenue hit $1.78 million, and the firm now employs 15 and does multiple millions in revenue. 

Brittany generated that growth 100% from organic social media, but has recently begun investing in social ads. 

In this session, Brittany will explain:
  • That organic social media, properly done, can be a law firm’s primary source of business
  • ​How a well-targeted niche enhances organic social media results
  • ​Why so many lawyers fail to adopt this proven free marketing channel
  • ​That posting every weekday will accelerate your progress, especially in the beginning
  • ​How to use trending sounds to enlarge your audience
  • ​What to track for each of your social posts (hint: it is not views)
  • ​A simple technique that will make generating content ideas quick and painless
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Host: Kara Prior, President of James Publishing

Kara Prior is president of James Publishing and co-founder of James’ Marketing Amplifier software program.  

She spends most of her time talking to attorneys about how to improve their marketing results.

Kara has a vast marketing and writing background, working for several newspapers and managing Entrepreneur magazine's 100,000-member social network before joining James Publishing seven years ago. 

Kara is co-author of two books: The Most Effective Law Firm Marketing Agencies, and How Small Law Firms Can Obtain More Referrals. She is the mother of two young boys, and was captain of her Division 1 college swim team.

Guest: Brittany Alexander

Attorney Brittany Alexander spent almost two years representing homeowners insurance companies, learning the tricks they use to deny and delay insurance claims. Now, she takes her experience from defending those companies and uses it to fight for homeowners across Florida. Her record speaks for itself; she has never lost a case against an insurance company.

Brittany believes it is essential to educate her clients about the legal process and property insurance, so they better understand what is happening in their case.

One of Brittany’s greatest pleasures is the joy and relief her clients experience when she tells them they’ve won the case.