Content Amplifier
Add content that attracts, persuades, and converts
Quality content delivers

We have learned from over a decade of helping small law firms with their marketing that quality content improves their marketing results in multiple ways – better leads, higher conversion rates, happier clients, better reviews, and more referrals.

How We Help
Amplify your marketing results with quality content
Trust-enhancing client testimonial videos
Multiple phone calls are required to find willing subjects, and our success will vary with the quality of the candidates your firm provides, but these are gold when obtained. When successful, we will add the videos to your website and your Google Business profile.
Bond-building introductory videos
Every quarter we remotely shoot conversation-style Q&A videos with you which we then post on your website’s home and bio pages, your Google Business profile, and as intros to selected articles we create. We provide the questions in advance and enhance the videos with captions and illustrations.
Traffic-generating evergreen articles
After sharing our detailed content expansion plan, we begin generating and posting on your website articles averaging 2,000 words in length that are keyworded and cross-linked, and Google-indexed. We add them to your site map and include title tags and meta descriptions.
Conversion-enhancing lead follow-ups
Using automated sends, we provide to your undecided prospects a shock-and-awe package containing a 100-300 page book and educational booklets, and then follow-up with a lengthy educational series that demonstrates your expertise and keeps you top of mind.
Referral-generating client newsletter
We keep you memorable and referrable with past clients using a branded, engaging, and customizable 8-page monthly newsletter that includes articles on wellness, finance, leisure, and other topics applicable to a wide range of readers, as well as recipes and quick notes about holidays.
We know educational and marketing content that informs and converts for lawyers.

Practice Areas

Educational Booklets

Attorney-Drafted Video Scripts

Custom Videos Filmed


Done-For-You Content
Educate your clients at every stage of the client lifecycle
Affordable, Low-Risk Offer

Content Amplifier costs $1,695/month. There are no setup fees or other charges. You may cancel anytime after 3 months, and you keep all your articles, videos, and custom materials.

To learn more, set an appointment using the calendar on this page.

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