Free Webinar

9 Popular Social Media Topics for Lawyers

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Grow With Kara
Examples of 9 high-view social media topics and explanations of why they work so well

Obtaining clients from organic social media is a two-step process. First you attract viewers and followers. Second, you let them know what type of law you practice.

This presentation helps you with the first step – attracting viewers and followers. In this webinar, I will tell you about 9 subjects that are popular with consumers. I include 2-3 high-view examples of each category.

None require costumes, silliness, or otherwise humorous presentations to draw views, though a couple of lawyers employ those tactics in the examples I provide.

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Webinar Replay (06.18.24)
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Host: Kara Prior
James Amplifier, President

Kara Prior is president of James Publishing and co-founder of James Amplifier. She spends most of her time talking to attorneys about how to improve their marketing results.

Kara has a vast marketing and writing background, working for several newspapers and managing Entrepreneur magazine’s 100,000-member social network before joining James Publishing seven years ago. Kara is co-author of three books: More Referrals from Lawyers, The Most Effective Law Firm Marketing Agencies, and How Small Law Firms Can Obtain More Referrals.

She is the mother of two young boys, and was captain of her Division 1 college swim team.