Examine the content included with Marketing Amplifier
Below you will find examples of the content you will be provided when you subscribe to Marketing Amplifier.
We vary the specialties illustrated, but know that every category is included with every specialty we cover.
Custom videos
Over Zoom, we shoot scripted how-to’s, past case examples, intros to Conversion Center pages, and how-you-differ videos. We help you build a collection of videos that distinguish you and your website from the competition.
Client newsletters
We keep you top of mind and lift your client referrals by emailing a branded newsletter filled with smarter living and relevant practical content to your list of past clients (and current if you wish).
Referral partner newsletters and journals
We maintain positive feelings in your network by alternately sending a (a) substantive newsletter that demonstrates your specialty expertise with (b) marketing journal aimed at professionals containing proven tips for improving results.
Conversion center
This attention-getting addition to your website houses your videos, book, and booklets. Its engaging and distinctive approach and multiple communication channels encourage more visitors to contact you.
Wow materials
Our software auto-sends a shock-and-awe package and educational nurturing series to your prospects, and a welcome kit and reassurance series to your new clients.
Books and booklets
We brand our large libraries of consumer-friendly specialty content in your name, and give you easy auto-sending capabilities with our intuitive software. Use them to persuade your best prospects and answer questions.
Social posts
Every week we post engaging and illustrated content that ranges from educational to entertaining to your Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. Grow your following, build your brand, and attract prospects.
Mentoring sessions
Learn from our strategists how to: (a) get the most out of your Marketing Amplifier services, (b) evaluate potential new marketing techniques, and (c) maximize the return on your marketing spend.
90% done for you
We know you don’t have much time available for more marketing work, so we have designed Marketing Amplifier as a done-for-you service. We:
— Brand the content and our software auto-sends it to prospects, clients, and past clients
— Schedule the social posts for posting weekly
— Make the solicitation calls to prospective referral partners and schedule your introductory appointments
— Brand and send both your referral partner and your client newsletters
— Edit and post your custom videos
The only two features for which we need your participation are:
— 45 minutes each month for a scripted video shoot over Zoom
— Two scheduled calls every quarter with professionals who want to discuss a referral alliance
That’s it. We take care of everything else.
Contact either of James’ co-owners for answers.