
Social Media Marketing for Attorneys

Unfamiliarity with techniques for succeeding on social media cause lawyers to waste a lot of time creating videos that are unlikely to draw many views, let alone add followers or generate comments and Direct Messages.

9 Popular Social Media Topics for Lawyers

Obtaining clients from organic social media is a two-step process. First you attract viewers and followers. Second, you let them know what type of...

Video Marketing Scripts for Lawyers, Part 2

Part 2 Contents: Link back to Part 1 HERE 2B. Partially-scripted videos 2C. Prompts for unscripted videos 2D. Scripts for list videos   2B....

Video Marketing Scripts for Lawyers, Part 1

Table of Contents Introduction1. Planning and topics1A. Envisioning collections1B. Educational videos1C. Salesy videos1D. Sample collection action...

Social Media Cheatsheet for Law Firms

Nearly half of the dozens of attorneys I have interviewed on my GrowWithKara show are obtaining many of their new clients from social media.  ...

Ali Awad’s 24 Social Media Tips for Attorneys

Ali Awad is considered by most to be the #1 social marketer in the legal world.  In less than 6 years he has built a 50-person, $20 million law firm using social media as his primary marketing channel.

11 DIY Tips That Will Improve Your Marketing Results

Jump to: 7 DIY Tips That Will Improve Your Law Firm’s Marketing Results Takeaways from How Lawyers Can Boost Their Marketing ROI Book Summary: The...

Grow WIth Kara

Every week, president of James Publishing & Amplifier, Kara Prior, interviews successful attorney-marketers to uncover what’s working, what’s not, and how you can get on a similar path to growth.

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Popular Social Media Videos

It only takes one or two winning video categories to vault your Instagram or TikTok page from laggard to outperformer.

This free booklet provides 80 examples for 20 categories of high-view legal videos. Some of the categories will surprise you, some can be delegated, and a few are wonderfully quick and easy to create.

Proven, Streamlined Approach

Social Media Marketing for Attorneys

Our Social Amplifier service for lawyers is effective, efficient, and affordable. We:

  • Require your presence for only 45 minutes each month
  • Have hundreds of scripts on dozens of high-view topics 
  • Provide the ones agreed upon in advance of your shoot
  • Shoot remotely in your office or home
  • Display your scripts on a teleprompter 
  • Provide guidance from a dedicated and experienced video director
  • Produce a mix of custom and branded videos and carousels
  • Post most every weekday on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube
  • Create for you any new profiles on these platforms required
  • Pay $200/month to boost your popular videos

Affordable, Low-Risk Offer

We provide all this for $1,995/month.  You need only commit to 3 months of service, which we need to show you what we can deliver.  If you cancel, you keep everything posted.

To learn more, click the button below.