Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the Marketing Amplifier cost?

For the starter program, the price is $1,695/month. There is no setup fee. Details may be found on our Pricing page.

How much does it cost for additional specialties?

Each additional specialty costs $200/month for the complete program and $100/month for the content-only version.

How much do you charge for additional printed copies of books and booklets?

If you want more than the free copies provided with your subscription, printed books cost $6 each and printed booklets $5 each.

Who are the authors of your book and booklets?

Practicing attorneys with multiple years of experience in their specialty write our booklets. Some of our material is derived from our law books, but rewritten for consumers. All our content has been organized and edited by our team of attorney-editors, who each have decades of experience in legal publishing. We routinely receive compliments on the quality of our content.

Do you require a long-term contract?

No. The service runs month-to-month and you may cancel anytime.

How soon do you begin setting appointments with referral partners?

Generally within two weeks. We need a week to compile the list of prospects, and give you a week to review the list.

How do you help me stay in touch with my new referral partners?

It is important to nurture your new relationships. They won’t thrive, let alone survive, without attention. We support your individual efforts three ways:
— Offers to brand our consumer booklets in the referral partner’s name
— Subscription to our private periodical — The Prosperous Professional
— Coaching emails on how to get the most out of referral relationships
— A substantive newsletter that demonstrates your expertise

May I request changes in the various pieces of content?

Yes, we are happy to localize, personalize, or otherwise modify our content to suit your needs. For example, maybe you have a big win you want to feature in your newsletter. Perhaps you want to emphasize a state law requirement in one of the booklets, or even add a chapter to your 100-300 page book. We make all those changes for you at no charge.

Can you help me produce some additional marketing materials?

Yes, our writers and designers are available to create custom pieces for you at no additional charge. There is a limit to how much time we can devote to each individual subscriber, but we will do our best to fulfill your requests for free. If it is a large project, we will estimate the additional charge before beginning work.

Can I get exclusivity in my geographic area?

No. However, with all the upfront work required to set up each new Marketing Amplifier, our small team can only add 1-2 law firms per week over 50 states and seven specialties. The chances of overlap with a local competitor are low.

Does your Referral Partner outreach work?

Yes, it does. But it doesn’t work alone. While we do the heavy lifting, you have an important role to play. You need to (1) participate in the calls we calendar for you with interested prospective referral partners, and (2) add an occasional personal email and call to the series of gives that we send monthly.

How long does it take to get referrals from professional sources?

Plan on the program taking six months before a reliable flow of referrals begins. Individual referrals can occur after your first appointment, but we don’t see that happy result occur with every subscriber.

Expect that some new partners will send no referrals, others will send modest volumes, and a few will be highly productive. You only need a few prolific referrers to give your practice a material boost.

What do you need from me to achieve those results?

Our system is done-with-you, not done-for-you. For the referral partner portion, you need to:
— Review and either modify or approve the list of 50 prospective referral partners before we begin calling them.
— Give us either access to your digital calendar or blanket times when you will be available so we can calendar phone appointments between you and interested professionals.
— Prepare for and attend the 1-2 phone appointments we set for you each month with prospective referral partners.
— Make an occasional personal contact with your new referral partners to supplement our cultivation efforts.

Our Client Lifecycle elements will further amplify your marketing efforts if you run all your leads through our content-enhanced CRM. You can hand-enter each lead if your volume is low, or we can integrate with your website and other lead-generators if your volume is medium-to-high.

What if I don’t have cross-referrals to give to all these new partners?

We know that you won’t be able to send referrals to all your new referral partners. There will be too many of them. That is why we have designed into Marketing Amplifier multiple ways your referral partners receive benefits from their relationship with you:
— Branded educational booklets they can give to their prospects
— Issues of Prosperous Professional, our proprietary journal on improving practices
— Coaching emails on how to maximize the benefits of referral relationships
— A substantive newsletter from you that demonstrates your expertise

Is your program Bar-compliant?

Yes. No cross-referrals are required by our referral source matchmaking and cultivation efforts. Marketing Amplifier is content-focused and education-based, which is how we think most legal marketing should be.